Thursday, July 17, 2008

TODAY I Feel Gay

Today, I feel very gay..maybe b'cos it's already Thursday and I can see the weekend approaching. And probably also cos my boss is on his long vacation, which means that I am also on semi vacation, alas in the office..

But then I tot, how can I said I feel GAY, .cos when I mentioned I feel gay to my friends, they will tink there is something wrong with me.

Why do we now always associates a lot of words to their sexual orientation instead of their original term.

I remember while in primary school, the same meaning of :

gay = happy , care free

but with the turn of century, the gay word nowadays means (anything except happy) homosexuality, stupid, foolish.

To Gay or Not Be Gay .that the question.

1 comment:

Banaena said...

Hahaha..I hv the same doubt when I first learnt the song:
Kookaburra sits on the old gum tree, merry merry king of the bush is he..laugh kookaburra laugh, kookaburra gay ur life must be.
So I keep thinking that kookaburra is a gay. Until the teacher told me later that kookaburra is a bird's name. Maklumlah, at tat time, we mistaken kookaburra as "Gopal Bala" cos "He" is the King..:-)