Wednesday, July 23, 2008


Yesterday, at about 11 something, two officers from the local council came to the office to check the business and premises licences.

I invited them into the office so that they could write their report more comfortably (that’s after I was 100% sure they were from the authority)

After inspecting the licences and making some notes, as they were about to leave, they asked me a question,’Kamu seorang saja kah kerja kat ofis? (Are you working alone in this office?), of which I replied.. ‘Bukan saya saja, rakan rakan saya dah keluar (No, I do not work alone, my colleagues are out)..

And can you guess what did one of the officer replied to that?

Guess lah…

minum kah? rakan rakan sekerja keluar dari ofis bukan untuk minum lah..untuk cari perniagaan, untuk cari bizness kerana gaji bulanan mereka bergantung kepada produKtiviti mereka lah..

We need to work lah to survive, not minum lah ..UNLIKE IN SOME PUBLIC DOMAIN

doi..asyik minum saja waktu kerja kah?

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