Monday, March 22, 2010

Mass Comm It Will Be

My girl decided that she will do Mass Comm..and as parent, we have to be supportive of the selection she made, (and it's not that we parent have a choice & final say)..

Before that, she was in a dilemma, she was thinking of Culinary layman terms - play masak masak. Does she really wants to do that?? Slave behind the hot stove, cooking for the eating pleasures of others? that's if she becomes a good chef, otherwise she will just be cutting vegetables, slicing meat and washing lots of utensils. My advice to her was to take up those baking/cooking leisure course during weekends.

anyway, I digressed

We were quite amazed at her result. Without any tuition (except for weekly Principle of Accounts), she has some As, a mixture of C,D, E and even a G ..G for Sejarah.. Sejarah is HISTORY, and it's not so important unless you want to go digging around in some graves or ungodly sites. Those of you whom have secondary school going children, please ask them about our Sejarah syllabus..and if you have insomnia (can't sleep at night), read that book..sure to knock you out in 5 secs flat, better than any sleep inducing pills.

Anyway, we will put history behind us and look forward.

Oh, btw, those with school going teenagers, start saving early for their higher really does cost an arm and leg (literally) these days !

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