Friday, August 8, 2008

After our $$

Today, 2 articles in the Star Newspaper caught my attention in particular

1st Heading (Page N18)
Ministry to explain sodomy charges overseas

Apparently the Foreign Ministry will organize a series of information sessions overseas on sodomy case against PKR adviser …

2nd Heading (N57)
More funds to needed to save Sufiah campaign

The UK Malay Association (Melayu UK) is still in need of more public contributions to its ‘Sayangi Sufiah’ campaign aimed at helping mathematic genius Sufiah Yusof, 23, lead a better life.

Do you see what I see…I see more of my hardworking $, which I pay as taxes to the government, being wasted on unnecessary activities.

First of all, if Government said, other countries should respect the law of our country, so why to bother to go and explain why DSAI is charged for sodomy..why do you have to justify your action to the world and must travel overseas to do so.

We do not have to justify our action to every Tom, Dick and Harry if we think what we do is correct (unless 'san yau shit').

One the second heading of Sufian case, in a previous interview, she mentioned that she is leading a life she never imagine she could have, being pampered by her paying clients and loving every minutes of her profession.

So apa pasal mahu pergi jaga tepi kain orang lain..we have more deserving cases to look into in our own backyard.

Aiyoh..anything just to waste more of the rakyat’s money!

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