Thursday, June 25, 2009

Am I Sick or Just 7+1

Sometimes I think I am sick !

Since young (from the day I know how to read the papers), the first page I will flip to in The Straits Times is the orbituary page (after the cartoon and TV page). It is still the same now, just that this will be one the pages that I must read.

I remembered that I would look at the deceased name, date of birth / death, age at time of demise and the descendants he/she left behind. I would go WOWW' when I see a long list of names, especially those with Tai Poh, Yee Lai, Sum Lai and their broods of mourners.

And then I will try to guess who married who, which grand child belongs to which set of parents.

In those days, as children, we have nothing much to play with (during our time there was no Astro, no PS, no PC), so we have to think of ways to entertain ourselves with all these.

Anyhow, I think I did improve my maths and my Inglish reading these ads!

1 comment:

Banaena said...

Hey..i shared the same trait wiv u! So u r not sick. V r just being curious & KPC. But u noticed it's hard to find long list nowadays. Perhaps due to cost or..maybe got e-Obituary? I wonder...