Friday, June 20, 2008

What Some PPL do at their work stations

At times..things that people do at their office work station really 'SURPRISE' me..

I am not talking about eating or yakking non stop to their yee mah ku jehs, 3 ku lok pohs or whoever over the handy or fixed line (indirectly annoucing to the whole world know what they did last nite or how much $$ they have).. That i still can tolerate (even beh tahan still got to yen yen and yen)..

me talking about people squeezing their pimples (again & again), digging their gold mine (noses) or baring their teeth to pick at stuck morsels ..& yes, also trying to scrath their balls (or kueh) while seated in their chairs ..aiyah..can't they do it in the privacy of the washroom..u can go squeeze, dig & scratch until syiok syiok ..tat your business but don't make me want to puke lah with your INDECENT actions..

Cis ,,hv respect lah for yourself and those people around you..

Have a nice weekend...

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