Friday, June 20, 2008

I need a new Job

This morning, was not feeling so great click on the internet and starting to hunt for 'interesting' vacancies ..

later, a line dancing buddy asked y I hv the title "i nid a new job' as my msn tagline..start to tell her that my job is quite on low productivity level..which can be a bit boring leh..blah blah blah

She suggested I cud teach line dancing..nahhh..not my line..and then i tot..y not b a bas sekolah know , those like kereta sapu operasi ....stuff as many kids (not my one, so why bother that they are comfortable or not) in the van and squeeze as much $$$ as possible from their poor (but rich) parents..nyek nyek nyek ...

and think of the perks that comes with this lucrative job ..good money (get paid beginning of month, o/wise can mengamok and threaten strike) ...short hours (u noe them to schools, drop them and then can go sapu sapu pasar pagi for good bargain (economy no good mah..nid to scretch that extra sen)..and the best is ....cheng cheng cheng.. 6 weeks paid holidays leh..u go count yourself lah how i can get 6 weeks paid holidays.....

also have other minors advantages to use the brain cells..can pratice swearing behind wheels when in terrible traffic.. ..and bitch about mums who ruffled me up ..and look at
the children's handsome (or used to be loh) papa..

life is great leh any one got any school going children needing transport...let me know ya..

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