Friday, May 15, 2009

Aunt Jasmine

Last Friday evening, after hubby and eldest girl sent the sister to tuition centre, she came barging into the kitchen and this was our conversation.

Doter (in angry tone) :
Mummy, do you know what Sook Chin’s brother called me just now?

(Sook Chin mother and I car pooled for Friday tuition, the boy is 13 years old)

What did he call you - leng lui jie jie??

No..guess again..

Can’t think of anything..what did he call you?

Doter (in a madder tone)
Aunty !

HAHAHAHAHAHAAHaaaa.. (I laughed until my eyes tears!)

Very funny meh??

Yes, very always called me aunty, so now you are also an aunty. Welcome to the club.

But why did he call you aunty?

I also don’t know. After he got down from the car, he turned
around and said this to me ‘Aunty – please pass the keys to my sister’

Ha ha ha ha..see I told you to cut your hair shorter. The last time
you had long hair, someone said you were my sister-in-law* with shoulder length hair, some one called you aunty. Go hair saloon tomorrow and crop off those hair !

* during our 2007 Hainan trip, an uncle mistook my doter as my mother-in-law's doter – so my doter became my sister in law lioa..

1 comment:

Banaena said...

Tell ur doter to line-dance and be young forever!!