Thursday, December 17, 2009

London - Day 2 /Dec 17

Woke up at 6 sumting am. To our delight, it was snowing

!!! 3 of us MY Jakuns were standing at the window, looking at snow drifting down. Well, cannot blame us cause it really was the first snow for us.

Travelling by trains / underground / buses is very very convenient in London, but a bit expensive (for us at least) Day Ticket for Zone 1 & 2 is Pound 5.70/pax. Children under 16 - Pound 1.00/pax.

After breakfast, we set out to explore London city.

First stop at Enbankment to see

Eye of London (or London's Eye) whatever lah


Big Ben

Tower of London


London Bridge

(which luckily did not fall down while we were there)

St Margaret Church

PS: remember the luggage dragging we had to do on arrival date. We laughed ourselves silly when we discovered that there are 2 big lifts from the train track upto the exit level...Bodoh betul! Goblok, Mong Kang Stupid Doof!

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