Friday, November 28, 2008


My doter has been watching too many Asian Food Channel series and have this notion that she wants to be a chef, like Sugar (roll eyes)!

Yesterday, she wanted to bake a cake. Drove her to the bakery ingredients shop in BRP 1 where she picked up a pre-mix brownies.

The ingredients :
500gms brownies premix
5 eggs (Grade B)
15ml Glycerine

200gms butter
Optional : chocholate chips or nuts

Easy steps of creaming the butter, adding the eggs and glycerine, mix well and then adding in the premix flour, baked in 160Deg for 30minutes.

Voila ! --- the first cake my doter baked..

1 comment:

Banaena said...

Hey!i m a AFC fan too..Programme i like the MOST is Chef in black. The chef is very charismatic and his cooking style is very stylo!