Thursday, December 8, 2011


How do you console a friend when she tells you that she only has 6 months left?

Tell her to be positive, live her life to the fullest, realises her dreams, where possible?

It’s definitely easier said than done. When life dealt one with such cruel blow, does one goes against it?

Try to fight it or accept that your Maker loves you more and wants you Home with Him.

Yes, definitely depressing for me when I ‘bumped’ into my friend and knew her situation.

She has been a gutsy fighter, going for repeated chemo treatments, taking up different classes to improve her health, faithfully following strict diets but unfortunately, these provided no remedies.
Maybe she has more than 6 months or less.

What would I do if I have 6 months left?

What kind of legacy would I leave behind for my family?

Money or memories?

Perhaps less of the former and more of latter, good loving ones.

Would it be too late to make amends for all my wrong doings?

Whatever is it, I guess the best is live life to the fullest now for you never know what tomorrow may or may not bring.

Depressing piece for the year end, for I can empathise with my friend. Of her preparation for her school-going kids and their future when she is not around to see to their needs.

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