It's the beginning of the long school holidays...and it's also the begining of a tiring session for us parents to keep those hormone raging teenagers occupied..
The girls dragged us both to the cinema on Sat - 15/11 to watch movie Madagascar II. To make sure we get to see it, they chose Cineleisure at the Curve. This cinema has the most screenings. When we reached the The CurVe, it was almost 4 thirtyish, the car park was full.. so we had to wait and play guessing's fun actually to wait and make guesses who is leaving, where is his/her car parked etc etc while waiting for a legal parking space.
By the time we parked our car, reached the ticket counters, most of the earlier screenings had limited seatings,,and most of these are the first couple of rows where you have to crank & crack your neck by the time the movie ENDed!
No choice, we took the 8.30pm screening and each ticket cost RM11, and sorry, no child fare cost it's BLOCK BUSTER expect to pay also BLOCK BUSTER prices..
Sitting thru 1.5 hours of cartoon was relaxing and entertaining and peaceful..forget all the tensions and worries..
You Got to See It, See It !
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